So in October I competed in a beauty pageant...I know weird but very appropriate considering the pageant was called Miss Tattoo. It was the very first pageant I have ever done so I had no idea what to expect and was blown away with the talent and beautiful ladies that competed.
I sang for my talent and it was a lot of fun-- I have never sang in an area that big so I was hard to hear myself but I did my best-

I sewed this skirt...well the bottom part and the bussels on the back- I had the gray pencil skirt already and needed a skirt for the "day of the dead" theme -- I found a skirt on the internet I liked and copied it as best I could I thought it turned out pretty good!

So after we got back from New Mexico we closed on selling our house and had to be out in a month-- so we did all that moving and started building all in the same month-- Which could be my excuse for not blogging lately....
--oh and the picture of our family in front of the house...well the guy taking the picture's fly was WIDE open-- and I mean WIDE-- I was laughing really hard on the inside because we never told him-- only because he's so shy and might have cried-- but I thought it helped with smiling in the picture!
This picture of cody standing on the forklift-- well this is how we Wells move pianos...not too much heavy lifting right-- it worked out well that piano is a beast!
Grayson also went to the dentist for the very first time! And he didn't cry...well at least not until we were walking out and he was so excited for his tooth brush he forgot to look where he was walking and ran right into the wall... then he cried but other than that he did awesome!

Grayson had his christmas program last night and he did so good! He sang some of the songs and did cry-- which was surprising because he had woken up from his nap like 15 mins before we were to be to the school and he is NEVER in a good mood after naps- but the only weird/hillarious thing he did was pick his nose...and yes it's all on film for those moments you need to remind your children of how cute they were!
Christmas is in two days and we are all very excited! Grayson always tells me--- mommy - i need to tell you a secret...if Iris doesn't poop or pee in her pants santa will come tomorrow-- (he has a little problem with doing this at night in his pullups and a guess I may have told him this once or twice in hopes of correcting this problem)-- but he now applies it to Iris who really has no idea he is going to blame here if he doesn't show...good thing I know the guy right???--- anyways-- more posts to come- and sorry to everyone who I made authors for my blog-- but come on why didn't anyone post anything-- that would have been fun!!!
1 comment:
WoW, Ash! I LOVE that pic of you in the black and white dress with red straps! You look so classic and beautiful in these pics. That's awesome that you were in a pageant. Wish we could've gone and listened to you sing. We need to have a family talent show. I haven't heard you sing sing since gma's and gpa's 50th. Time for some Hansen family talent!
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